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Edmund Optics®

Knowledge Center

 Verified library of trusted technical resources created by our 240+ global engineers.

Knowledge Center Resources (255)

Combatting thermal lensing in high-power ultrafast laser systems

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Flat-top laser beams: Their uses and benefits

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Applications Engineering in Optics

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Evaluating Illumination Options for Telecentric Imaging

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Ultrafast Dispersion (超短パルス分散)

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Designing Large Diameter Aspheres

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Optical Coating (オプティカルコーティング) Part 5

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Optical Coating (オプティカルコーティング) Part 4

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Creating High-Precision Glass for NIR Lasers

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Managing Holography Errors in Asphere Metrology

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Ruggedization of Machine Vision Lenses

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An Essential Exchange of Ideas Would Benefit the Optics Industry

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Optical Coating (オプティカルコーティング) Part 1

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Optical Coating (オプティカルコーティング) Part 2

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Optical Coating (オプティカルコーティング) Part 3

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Edmund Optics features high-precision optical filters for industry

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Cut above for coronavirus testing (Interview)

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Camera Trends: Where We Are Now and What to Expect in the Near Future

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Characteristics of Laser Grade Substrates (レーザーグレード基板の特性) Part 1

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Imaging Lenses for Rugged Environments

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White-light interferometry resolves sub-Angstrom surface roughness

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Achieving Improved Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Flow Cytometry

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Characteristics of Laser Grade Substrates (レーザーグレード基板の特性) Part 2

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Characteristics of Laser Grade Substrates (レーザーグレード基板の特性) Part 3

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Beam Quality and Strehl Ratio (ビーム品質とストレール比 ) Part 2

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Beam Quality and Strehl Ratio (ビーム品質とストレール比) Part 1

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Optics design challenge for SWIR

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Stability of Captured Image and High Durability of Machine Vision Lens (撮像の安定性とマシンビジョンレンズの高耐久化)

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Calculating Lens Resolution with Precision

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Fabrication of ultralow-roughness surfaces: The Beilby layer

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