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TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. Learn More

Nd:YAG Laser Line Beam Samplers

TECHSPEC® Nd:YAG Laser Line Beam Samplers

  • Uncoated First Surface Provides Fresnel Reflection
  • High Laser Damage Threshold Coating on One Surface
  • 10-5 Surface Quality


Product Details

TECHSPEC® Nd:YAG Laser Line Beam Samplers are used to split a small portion of an incident laser beam through Fresnel reflection provided by the uncoated surface for beam monitoring purposes. These beam samplers feature high performance physical properties for minimum effects on the passed through beam, including 10-5 surface quality and λ/10 surface flatness. An anti-reflection coating with a high damage threshold applied on the second surface helps limit ghost reflections. TECHSPEC Nd:YAG Laser Line Beam Samplers are made of UV Fused Silica, providing excellent transmission from the UV to the IR and a low coefficient of thermal expansion. Beam samplers with anti-reflection laser line coatings for 266nm, 355nm, 532nm, and 1064nm wavelengths are available.

Note: TECHSPEC Nd:YAG Laser Line Beam Samplers can be used with Laser Measurement products to monitor beam properties, such as beam power and beam profile, in real time.

Technical Information

Laser Line Beam Sampler
Laser Line Beam Sampler