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Linear Microlens Arrays

  • Fused Silica and Silicon Substrates
  • 1x4 and 1x8 Lens Array Configurations
  • Ideal for Fiber Coupling and Collimating


Product Details

Linear Microlens Arrays are available in fused silica and silicon substrates with linear arrays of either 4 or 8 lenses. Silicon has a high index of refraction, enabling short focal length, high-NA lens array designs, while fused silica offers excellent thermal stability and visible transmission to facilitate easy alignment. Linear Microlens Arrays are used to collimate and couple fiber arrays in fiber-to-fiber or laser-to-fiber applications, such as with semiconductor laser diodes. These lenses are AR coated for the near-infrared (NIR) with designs for 1310 and 1550nm, making them ideal for use with NIR lasers or in telecommunications.

Technical Information

MFD, Source (µm) MFD, Target (µm) Working Distance (µm) Design Wavelength (nm) Substrate Stock No. 1x4 Array Stock No. 1x8 Array
10.4 85 15 in air, 10 in glue 1550 Fused Silica #21-172 #21-173
9.2 250 600 1550 Fused Silica  #21-174 #21-175
9.2 80 286 1310 Silicon #21-176 #21-177
10.4 250 1143 1550 Silicon #21-178 #21-179
9.2 25 1202 1310 Silicon #21-180 #21-181
3.0 250 304 1310 Silicon #21-182 #21-183