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Search Results for: Microscopy Mechanics (9)

Discovering DIC Microscopy

Join Stefaan Vandendriessche, Sales and Applications Engineer, as he demonstrates a Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) microscope built from stock components found in the Edmund Optics catalog.

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What's New In Optical Coatings: Applications in Life Sciences

Join Stephan Briggs, Biomedical Engineer at Edmund Optics, as he discusses tips for verifying filter performance.

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Ultrafast Laser Optics from Edmund Optics - PhotonicsNEXT 2021

Learn about Edmund Optics' ultrafast laser optics capabilities in this interview with Tony Karam from the PhotonicsNEXT Summit in January 2021.

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Spectrolight Mighty Light Accessories Overview

Modular accessories adapt the Spectrolight Mighty Light Illuminator for tuning to a specific wavelength, fiber coupling, collimating, homogenizing, and more

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How to Assemble a 120i Microscope System

Learn how to assemble a microscope system using the award-winning Edmund Optics 120i Plan APO Infinity Corrected Objectives.

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Spectrolight Mighty Light Product Overview

The Mighty Light is a self-contained, low-noise, tunable source of broadband visible and NIR light featuring a tungsten halogen lamp and output power up to 2W

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Edmund Optics Manufacturing: We Make It

Edmund Optics (EO) manufactures over 5 million optical components every year at our global facilities in the Americas and Asia.

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Polarization Overview - Part 2: Waveplates & Retarders (Advanced)

Waveplates and retarders are optical components designed to transmit light while modifying its polarization state without attenuating, deviating, or displacing the beam.

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Acktar Stray Light Control Products

Acktar Advanced Coatings produces light-absorbing components and materials to control stray light and eliminate noise from specular reflection.

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