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Laser Application Notes

Title az    Date 1..9   
Absorption in Laser Optics 8/28/2024
Advantages of Using Beam Expanders 3/21/2024
An In-Depth Look at Axicons 12/9/2024
An Introduction to Optical Coatings 9/19/2024
Anti-Reflection (AR) Coatings 8/29/2024
Aspheric Lens Irregularity and Strehl Ratio 8/28/2024
Beam Expander Selection Guide 7/17/2024
Beam Expander Testing 3/21/2024
Beam Quality and Strehl Ratio 8/28/2024
Building a Custom Optical Isolator with Stock Components 3/21/2024
Challenges of Specifying LIDT for CW Lasers 1/27/2021
Understanding Spatial Filters 7/9/2024
Characteristics of 2µm Lasers 3/21/2024
Coherent® Laser Selection Guide 3/21/2024
Common Laser Optics Materials 8/29/2024
Common Laser Types 8/16/2024
Considerations When Using Cylinder Lenses 12/9/2024
Different Types of LIDT Specifications 8/29/2024
Dispersion 8/29/2024
Fluorescence Imaging with Laser Illumination 12/9/2024
Fundamentals of Lasers 3/21/2024
Gaussian Beam Propagation 12/19/2024
Highly-Dispersive Mirrors 8/29/2024
Homogeneity and Scatter from Inclusions and Bubbles 8/28/2024
Importance of Beam Diameter on Laser Damage Threshold 8/29/2024
Key Parameters of a Laser System 8/28/2024
Laser Beam Expanders 8/28/2024
Laser Damage Threshold Testing 8/29/2024
Laser Power Density versus Energy Density 3/26/2024
Laser Resonator Modes 8/28/2024
LIDT for Ultrafast Lasers 8/29/2024
Metrology for Laser Optics 8/21/2024
Rotating vs. Sliding Beam Expander Divergence Adjustment 3/21/2024
Simplifying Laser Alignment 2/20/2024
Subsurface Damage 8/28/2024
Laser Polarization: The Importance of Polarization in Laser Applications 12/9/2024
Thermal Properties of Optical Substrates 8/28/2024
Ultrafast Dispersion 8/29/2024
Ultrafast Lasers – The Basic Principles of Ultrafast Coherence 3/21/2024
Uncertainty in LIDT Specifications 8/29/2024
Understanding and Specifying LIDT of Laser Components 8/29/2024
Understanding Surface Quality Specifications 8/29/2024
UV Optics: Tighter Tolerances and Different Materials 3/21/2024
Why Laser Damage Testing is Critical for UV Laser Applications 3/21/2024
Quantum Cascade Lasers 6/2/2020
Basic Principles of Raman Scattering and Spectroscopy 10/15/2024
The Unintuitive Balancing Act of Beam Expander Properties to Maximize Focused Spot Intensity 2/10/2025